Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Bryan!

Today is Bryan's real birthday. He turns 4 today. We celebrated his birthday over the past weekend. He wanted to invite his friends from school and I wanted a no fuss birthday. So I booked a party room for a couple of hours at Gogo-Bambini so the kids can go and really enjoy themselves.

There was a party hostess who played some fun games with the kids. She coordinated things quite well. The kids had a lot of fun in the big play gym. There were three levels of fun, including a ball pit, places to climb, slides to go down etc.

Bryan had a BIG birthday cake with dinosaurs and soldiers on it. He picked it out himself. I got the cake from Ecreative. Everyone had a piece with lots leftover. We had cake for dessert for the next few days.

As for presents, Bryan got lots of great gifts. And all of them things he would really love. There were books, art supplies, train sets, and even a transformer. He really enjoyed himself that day. And actually, so did we.

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