Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Falling Sick

Both my boys are down with a rather nasty cough. It's one of those coughs that sound really gunky and phlegmy. And I wince when I hear it. Bryan doesn't seem to be very much bothered by it. He's as active as usual but he does get tired out a little bit more. But he's been good. He is waits until I'm done with Gabriel before he takes his medication or his temperature. At least I don't have to worry about him too much.

It's Gabriel that's seems to be much more miserable. He also doesn't seem to be able to clear his throat as easily. He also wants to be carried more and he feels more lethargic. At night, he wakes up a couple of times feeling miserable. Sigh... My poor baby. I've given him all the medication that he's able to take. The last time he had such bad bronchitis was a few months ago. He took 2 whole weeks to recover. I hope he gets over this one faster though. I miss his usual happy, cheerful self.

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