Monday, September 22, 2008

Shell's Annual Road Safety Exhibition

This past weekend was the Shell's 'Annual Road Safety' Exhibition. It was held in the Singapore Expo. There was a mini road setup. Complete with fully functioning traffic lights including pedestrian lights and bus stops. It was really something. Then there were bicycles, pedal go-karts that we could hire to go around the circuit. There were even traffic police officers around to give instructions about road rules and safety. All the kids there were having so much fun, I'm not sure how much about road safety they were actually learning.

Bryan used the mini go-karts and went around the circuit. He didn't quite understand what all the arrows meant but he had fun. Then we queued up for balloons and ate pink candy floss. I think it would be a bit more useful when he's a bit older. Other than the circuit, there was also the police car and motorcycle on display.

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