Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9 Months and Counting Down

It's almost time now. I'm already at 9 months and I have about 2 more weeks to go before my scheduled C-section. It's been quite a tiring 9 months. Thank goodness for my change from a busy government clinic to a quieter private one. Even though I did have to work a couple of evenings a week, it was manageable.

Looking back, the worst part of this pregnancy is the aches and pains. I don't remember my first pregnancy being as bad. I don't have problems when I'm up and about. It's the lying down at night that's giving my the worst backaches. I can't sleep on my back for the past few months. Even turning from right to left wakes me up at night.

Bryan's been quite good these few weeks though. He still wishes baby good morning and good night. He pats my tummy and says hi once in a while. And even in school, his teacher says that he's been quite good. He's learning how to be a bit more gentlemanly and not push or grab stuff. And he's tantrums are more controllable as well.

I think it's all about being consistent. A 'no' should always mean 'no'. Don't give in just because he's screaming away. And it's ok to compromise but always keep your promises. So that he knows that he can trust you when you say that he can have his sweets after dinner/after his nap/tomorrow. Or that he can open his new toy if he has been well-behaved the whole day.

And Bryan's toilet-training is going well too. He only uses his diaper at night and even then, he lets me know when he needs to use the potty to poo instead of doing it in the diaper. He has said a few times that he can sleep in his underwear but I think it's still a little too early for a 3 year old to go completely off diapers. Maybe in a year or two. A 3 year old's bladder is not going to hold for 10 hours.

I'm crossing my fingers that baby is going to be just as good to look after as Bryan. And I hope I can get baby to sleep through the night by the time I get back to work when he is about 4 months.

Oh yes, and happy birthday to Ian and Daddy too!

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