Friday, October 21, 2011

Time Off

I spent the first half of the week with the kids. I took a couple of days off to do Mommy things like pick them up from school, fill up forms for Bryan's new school, getting Bryan's new school uniform, sending Bryan to his swimming class. Then the car's battery went flat, and AA had problems restarting it. So had it towed back to the service centre to get it recharged. So had a mostly busy start to the week.

But it was nice to spend some time with the boys, especially Bryan. I was surprised to see how much he has matured. He could be helpful and usually remembered what I told him. And he didn't throw much of a tantrum at all and stopped whining. I think perhaps it had to do with him starting primary school next year. I think he knew he needed to behave a bit more like a big boy.

Gabriel is still cute and adorable. And still my little boy. And he's learning that a NO means a NO. He still throws his tantrums but it's not as bad and he stops once he realises he's not getting his way. And the two of them are getting along, although Gabriel still tends to take advantage of the fact that he's younger.

Sigh, they grow up so fast...

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