Thursday, August 7, 2008

7 months and counting!

I'm now 2 months away from my second child. Then it's the sleepless nights all over again. This time I'll also have a 3 year old to look after as well. Hopefully I can find time for hubbie and myself in between.

So far, the whole pregnancy is going well. I'm only just about feeling some water retention now and then. I'm still able to fit into my shoes and my wedding ring. And I'm still tottering about in heels to work. The only aches I get are at night when I get into bed. Somehow being all stretched out lying flat doesn't bode well for my hips and spine. So far no stretch marks and I'm not as itchy as I used to be in my first pregnancy.

Baby's quite active and when he's in the wrong position or sticks his legs or arms into the wrong place, I get the sudden urge to rush to the toilet. But he's growing well, which is the important thing.

Bryan seems to take the whole idea of having a brother quite well. I think he's gotten used to the idea of mommy carrying a baby. He says 'Good night' and 'Hello' to my tummy once in a whole. I hope he'll be just as receptive to Baby once he is born.

For the next two months I'm going to focus on spending time with Bryan and hubbie before baby arrives. I am also going to try to clear up all the errands and work I have to do. Like catch up with my scrapbooking and post blog entries more frequently.

But time stops for no one. And I need more hours in my day.

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