Sunday, November 4, 2007

Lessons from a 2 year old

Lesson No 1 - Submarine

Bryan points to a picture of a submarine in one of his books, "Mommy, what's this?"
Mommy replies, "Submarine."
"Sub-mommy" *laughter*
"No, sub-marine"
"Sub-MOMMY!" *more laughter*
And suddenly I've become an undersea creature... *glub glub*

Lesson No 2 - Lightning

While reading to Bryan the same night, he suddenly looks up and points to the window, "Ooh, window light"
So I turn to the window, thinking that he saw the light coming from the neighbour's house, but there is absolute darkness coming from next door.
Puzzled, I ask him, "What light?"
"Somebody turn on light"
I look out of the window again and then I saw what he meant, there was a flash of lightning, which lit up the night sky. "Lightning"
Bryan stares out of the window, fascinated, "Light-ning, somebody turn on light"
He's kind of right you know. It did look like God just turned on the light in the sky for a split second.

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