Monday, April 25, 2011

Library Adventure

There's a public library that opened near our place. It's not near enough to walk but definately near enough to visit often. So far, we've been there a couple of times since it opened to borrow books.

Bryan seems to find it awesome. He has been to his school library but it's much smaller. And the selection of books for children in this public library is a whole lot. I've taught him to to look for his favourite authors (COL for magic schoolbus books). And also what to look out for in choosing a book (Step 2 reading for preschool to grade 1). He also has his own library card which he is very proud of and he knows how to check out and return books. It's all automated now, no need to queue for the librarian.

We can drive there but the parking situation there is terrible, especially over the weekends. So we decided to take the MRT train there instead. It's only one stop away. But our house is a bit of a distance to the MRT station. So we drove to the station, took the train to the library and then back again. It was fun for Bryan since he doesn't take public transport often. But he did find it tiring. He was saying he's hungry and thirsty (it was a hot day).

But I thought it was good to let him take public transport once in a while. Just so he appreciates us driving him around more.

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