Thursday, June 3, 2010


Gabriel is very different from Bryan. He's a little slower to talk and needs prompting. But he learns other things really fast. Like feeding himself. He'll use the spoon and insist on helping himself. He can drink from a bowl/cup but still spills a bit. He loves cleaning up afterwards and will use the face towel to clean himself.

He'll scribble with a pencil. Throw a ball, roll a ball, run and climb. He can sit on his 'car' and push himself a tiny bit.

Gabriel might be starting his terrible twos. He has good days and sometimes, he'll be a bit irritated and whine a bit more. I've had him yell and scream because he didnt' get what he want. But on the whole he's quite a good boy. And easy to calm down if he's upset. He's a little shy and a bit more sticky with me compared to Bryan. And he's rather quiet usually, not as talkative.

So on the whole, a rather different boy. But just as sweet as his brother.
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