Bryan is getting more independant. He takes part in activities with other children in church. And tries to join in with his cousins when they come by for dinner. I can sort of leave him be to play with them while I keep an eye on them from the dinner table. And he is learning lots more words too. His pronounciation and phonics are getting better too. Like he can say the letter 'f' and the 'ffff' sound. Instead of sounding the 'f' like a 'p' which he used to do. Which means he can say things like 'fish', 'flag' etc quite clearly. I can understand him most of the time now. And he can articulate what he wants quite well. Like if he wants me to 'come' or 'sit down' or do things 'like that'. He also understands what I mean when I say 'the other side' or 'over there' or 'wait a while'. So it's really great when he understands what I want him to do and he does it promptly. Wish he could stay this cute forever.
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