Monday, March 23, 2009


Yesterday, we took Bryan to the zoo. It was a playdate with another 2 couples and their boys.

Initially, Bryan was a little shy and didn't want to talk to Oliver, another boy his age. But later he did warm up to him and spent the morning walking/talking to him.

I actually wondered what Bryan thought about playdates that I set him up on. Was is awkward for him? After all, it's the parents that enjoy each other's company. Did he really enjoy himself? I thought he did later on. Because he was sitting with Oliver and talking to him. Would he mind if we had a playdate again with Oliver?

He would love to have a playdate with some of his classmates I'm sure. Or with his favourite cousins. But I suppose if he went on enough playdates with my friend's children he'd probably develop a friendship with the other child and this wouldn't matter.

Still I'm glad Bryan is not all that shy. He's quite friendly and willing to give someone else a chance. He's great that way. I think if it were me. I'd be quite quiet and withdrawn. I used to be rather shy.

Then I wondered if Gabriel would have a similar disposition. I hope if he has his brother to look up to, he'll also be friendly and cheerful like Bryan. Maybe all he needs is more playdates too...

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