So this week, while I'm on leave, I've converted the cot into a junior bed and got out all the pottys. I managed to get him to pee in a potty on command. But he still insists on wearing the diaper during the day. I guess that's telling me that he's not quite ready to be toilet trained. I hope he takes to wearing underpants instead of the diaper, just like his daddy! And he sleeps on his own in his own bed, in his own room. Although it takes him forever to get to sleep. Nowadays, he sleeps at almost 11pm at night. So I hardly have time for my own stuff.
Bryan's been behaving very well during the day though, most of the time. I bring him out shopping, to the park, for walks all on my own. He listens when I call him and he can obey simple instructions. So running errands with him is not much of a problem. He can eat on his own if he really enjoys his meal and isn't too fussy. I have to keep thinking of things to occupy him, so he doesn't get too bored. Like doing mini bowling, or making suff with the playdoh, or drawing/colouring, or building tunnels and towers with his legos/blocks, or reading new books, or taking walks, or doing mini jigsaws. Phew! It's been great mother-son bonding though. I can see why some moms are stay-home-moms.
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