My boy officially turns 2 today! He's growing up so fast. We celebrated his birthday with family and friends on Saturday. It was raining and the garden was a little wet so we had the party indoors. It's a good thing our place is decently sized so it wasn't too crowded.
My father came down all the way from Malaysia just to see him and celebrate his birthday with him. And my brother also happend to be on his summer break from UK. It was great. We also had some of our close friends over. And they brought their kids too. So we had quite a few preschoolers and babies around. It was really something. And us mommies were swapping baby stories. While the kids were entertaining themselves.
The food was pretty good. It was all catered from Neo Garden so it was no fuss at all. Their chicken curry is really good. And I bought a HUGE Barney cake. Bryan absolutely loved it. He blew out his 2 candles all by himself. He's a natural. Everyone had more than a generous piece of cake and we had so much left. Bryan really enjoyed himself that night. So did mommy. Happy Birthday Bryan!
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