I had to have a minor operation to remove an impacted wisdom tooth. And my dental surgeon gave me a whole 5 days at home to recover. Which I did. For the most part. With having 2 kids, it's not so easy to rest and recover at home in peace.
The operation went smoothly and was fairly fast. The only thing I was quite traumatised with was the sound of the drill. Now this is not the usual dental burr that the dentist uses when cleaning your teeth. This is the bone drill. Which sounds exactly like the electric drill, probably feels like it too. My jaw aches just thinking about it. I'm glad the LA worked very well.
But I'm much better now, and going back to work. Which I actually look forward to. The quiet office, the aircon and sometime to myself. For some part of the day at least. It's been so hot in Singapore lately, by the end of the day, with my painkillers wearing off, the heat and a whole day of being patient. I get a bit crabby.