I brought Bryan to the RSAF open house today. Bryan loved it. He was so excited to see all the big planes and helicopters up close. He kept pointing at the planes taking off at the runway, "There's another air-plane. There! Mommy! See!" There were so many different types of vehicles there today. From the F16 planes to the Apache helicopters to the small unmanned aircraft. He patiently queued up to see the planes and helicopters up close. He even had his photo taken sitting in the cockpit of an F5 fighter pilot.
Then there was the air display. It involved the fighter planes and helicopters and some trucks and troops. The F5s and F16s took off right in front of us. It was deafening. Bryan was given ear plugs and he still had to cover his ears. I was a little worried that he may have been traumatised by it. But he really enjoyed it. When I asked him which one he liked the best, he replied, "The noisy one." And he wanted to go again next year. In the meantime, he wants Daddy to, "show me how to drive the helicopter and airplane."